
Entry 1 [Apollymi]

Apollymi is a human-leather bound book, written in lapis ink on hand-pressed pages. The language it is written in is indecipherable and is likely a dead language we have yet to discover. The book appears ancient and newly-bound at the same time, existing in a paradoxal state.

It seems to bind to one person at a time, driving it's decided owner crazy until all the requirements have been met. We have yet to figure out these requirements ourselves.

Entry 2 [Guardian]

The guardian is a strange entity that we know little about ourselves. It is bound to the book and hunts the current 'owner' down. While the owner is usually safe in crowded areas due to the guardian's aversion to being seen, this is an untested theory.

The information we do know is as listed:
It is a wolf-like beast;
It dislikes being seen; and
Strikes only when the 'owner' is alone.